Tea’s Seikoen
Company information
- Company name
- Tea's Seikoen Co., Ltd.
- Representative's name
- CEO Ryo Tokunaga
- location
- Head office
6-51 Kyomachi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture 860-0081
Factory/Foodpal branch
189-16 Izumi-cho, Kita-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-5533
- Products
- Green tea, Furusato Mannencha Tea line
- business hours
- 9:00〜17:00
- Closed
- Shop: Tuesday
- 096-352-2076
- 096-352-2091
- Free dial
- 0120-3250-118
- ochanoseikoen@yahoo.co.jp
- Official site
- http://seikou-en.net/
Q.What kind of things are you doing with local agriculture?